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Field Trips

Experience learning made fun with experiments, games, interactive tours, and more. Whether you are a teacher in the school sector or a homeschool coordinator looking for a unique place to learn, we have the program for you. 


Our Field Trips


A Day in the Life:

Careers in Energy

Explore the many different career paths that STEM offers in the energy sector! Students will hear from different presenters who have made a career in energy. They will have the opportunity to ask questions and discover how jobs in the energy sector connect with our communities. 

Curriculum Connections

Grade 1: My World: Home, School, Community; Moving Forward with the Past: My Family, My History, and My Community
Grade 2: Canada's Dynamic Communities, A Community in the Past
Grade 4: A Sense of the Land; The Stories, histories and People of Alberta
Grade 5: Physical Geography of Canada
Grade 10: Career and Life Choices


Junior Chemists:

Exploring Petrochemicals

In this program, students explore the way oil is made and extracted. They will also learn the environmental effects of oil mining. Students will participate in experiments using oil and other natural substances. These activities teach the properties of oil, how it interacts with other materials, and the effect of oil on our natural environment. 

Curriculum Connections

Grade 2: Exploring Liquids
Grade 3: Rocks and Minerals
Grade 5: Classroom Chemistry
Grade 6: Evidence and Investigation
Grade 7: Interactions and Ecosystems: Planet Earth
Grade 8: Mix and Flow of Matter
Grade 10: Career and Life Choices


Keeping It Real:

the Importance of Land Reclamation

We explore how human activity causes environmental changes in various ecosystems. Students learn the concept and values of reclamation. They will develop an understanding of contouring and erosion control as well as re-vegetation. Activities will allow students hands-on critical thinking about reclamation as a critical step in the energy industry. 

Curriculum Connections

Grade 1: Needs of Animals and Plants
Grade 3: Testing Materials and Designs
Grade 4: Waste and Our World; Plant Growth and Changes
Grade 6: Trees and Forests
Grade 7: Interactions and Ecosystems; Planet Earth
Grade 8: Mix and Flow of Matter
Grade 9: Biological Diversity; Environmental Chemistry
Grade 10: Cycling of Matter in Living Systems


Parts of the Whole:

Engineering in Action

From drill bits to derricks, this program breaks down the components of the energy trade. The different parts of a rig cannot work well without someone maintaining them. A derrick cannot pull oil from the ground if the frill is not changed often enough. Students will examine how new equipment technology, innovations, and designs impact the energy sector. 

Curriculum Connections

Grade 3: Building with a Variety of Materials; Testing Materials and Design
Grade 4: Wheels and Levers; Building Devices and Vehicles That Move
Grade 7: Structures and Forces
Grade 8: Mechanical Systems



Rock of Ages:

Geology in the Energy Sector

Where would we be without rock? Luckily we will never have to find out! In this program, students examine the Earth's core, mantle, and crust systems. They will discover how the very ground we stand on impacts our ability to live, grow, and create energy. Science experiments investigate the properties if rocks and how different rocks are used for different purposes. 

Curriculum Connections

Grade 3: Rocks and Minerals
Grade 7: Interactions and Ecosystems; Heat and Temperature; Planet Earth
Grade 8: Mix and Flow of Matter


Talk to the Trees:

Energy Production and the Environment

This program allows students to learn about the environment, how oil is extracted, and how this process impacts the Earth. Classes will discuss energy production past, present, and future. They will consider the benefits and drawbacks of several types of energy and how they impact the environment. Students will brainstorm environmentally-sustainable practices that still allow for energy production. 

Curriculum Connections

Grade 4: Waste and Our World; Plant Growth and Changes
Grade 6: Trees and Forests
Grade 7: Interactions and Ecosystems; Heat and Temperature; Planet Earth
Grade 9: Biological Diversity; Environmental Chemistry


Programs run for 2 hours total. This includes a tour, experiments/games, and activities that take you all over the museum. If the class is running late, the time will be taken out of your program unless there are extenuating purposes.


All field trips are $5/student. Teachers and chaperones are free (we ask that you try to get 1 chaperone per 10 students). Book two field trips for your class on the same day and receive $0.50 off each student for the second field trip!


All of our tours + programs take place on the main floor, which is fully accessible including accessible washrooms.


We have bussing subsidy available if the cost is too high. Get in touch with us for more information. Our thanks to Pembina Pipelines for supporting our school field trips. 

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Teacher, 2021

"[Programmer] did a fantastic job and handled this age group with energy and enthusiasm"

New Humble School, 2021

"My favourite part was watching how engaged my students were"

Teacher, 2021

"I loved the field trip! I will gladly come back with my students...My supervisors were very impressed as well"
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